2. Do the lights come with the bulbs installed?
We assemble C7 tungsten bulb and G20 LED bulb on lights. To avoid breakage, C9 tungsten and G45 LED bulbs are packed separately. You will install the bulbs once you receive the sign.
3. Do you have pictures of the sign with different bulb colors ? so I can choose the color of the bulb.
Yes, we have, pls view the photos
4. Are these bulbs in different colors for bulbs in different prices?
No, different colors lead to the same price for turbo bulbs, no matter what kind.
5. Do you have something like an alternative for the tungsten lamps?
Yes, if you don not like tungsten bulbs, we also have the LED bulbs. They are G20 LED bulbs with 0.5Watts and G45 LED bulbs with 2.5 watts. Or you can send image of which bulbs you want. We will help you to find it.
6. Can we just buy bulb fittings and bulbs from you but without metal shell?
Sorry, we can not.
7. How to change the bulbs?
Before replacing bulbs, the powder supply must be turned off and the bulb completely cool to touch.